Dear Family,
Tomorrow’s adoration, Tuesday, February 21, 2023 is being suspended for the day. I was suppose to announce this over the weekend and simply forgot. This is only due so that the church can be cleaned and the art and environment team to be able to take down the Ordinary time church decorations and to put up the Lenten decorations.
I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused, but the church will remain open as usual all day from 5am-10pm for private prayer and reflection. It is always good to know that Jesus is still present to us in the Tabernacle even if he is not exposed to us in the Monstrance.
Please note that during the day there will be noise in the church as they will be cleaning and decorating.
Have a blessed day and a joyous beginning of Lent.
In Jesus, Mary & Jospeh,
Fr Cooper